Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week 22

Weekly facts:
Weight: 11lbs 12.5oz. 
Height: 23"
Cloths Size: 0-3  & 3-6 due to need for  summer clothes
Head Size: 15.75"
Life: This week we added Mango to the mix of foods.  She is very vocal at the table and everyone around knows when she needs more food.  The weeks seem to only get busier but we are figuring out her nap schedule and working around it.  We checked out the new Kidsburg this week, it is amazing I think we will be spending TONS of time there. Bella still loves the swings so we got a swing for our yard. The week ended with family dinner with the McGarry's on Friday and we got to see Moira.  On Saturday we had a family photo shoot which was a lot of fun and Bella did fantastic considering it was during nap time. Oh and how could I forget, the week ended very HOT, time for those summer clothes.


  1. Such a cutie, just like her Auntie!! Haha

  2. I'm excited to check out the new Kidsburg. We should do a playdate next time we're up!
