Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Week 7

Almost back on track, week #2 of work for Mom is underway but we are a little sidetracked with baby and life things today (Tuesday).  Only Monday's and Thursday's are dedicated work days right now, on other days what work gets done is bonus in order to keep the stress level in check.
Weekly facts:
Weight: Officially hit the 8 pound mark, to be exact she was 8lb 3.5oz on January 21st.
Height: 20.5"
Cloths Size: Newborn pants and 0-3 onsies. Too long for the newborn sleepers
Head Size: 13.5"
Life: She got her first set of shots at the 6 week appointment.  She wasn't impressed by them but we took Daddy along to snuggle after the shots.  She is getting Mommy clingy now that she is at a sitters on Mondays and Thursday.  Tuesday and Fridays can be very unproductive work wise for Mommy but I won't pass up the cuddle time.  Mom and Dad survived an evening out for dinner without her, she was in the loving care of Granny and Grandpa, not sure who enjoyed that evening more!

Week 6

Wow, 6 weeks have flown by and this back to work is really time consuming!  We are only a little over a week late posting, the photo was taken on time but the weekend was spent visiting with family and friends.
Weekly facts:
Weight: Hoping for close to 8lbs no weigh in that week at the Dr's
Height: Around 21"
Cloths Size: Still Newborn mixed 0-3 when we don't mind the extra room
Head Size: No longer fits newborn hats
Life: Aunt Angie came to visit for the weekend and we are going to meet Penelope on Sunday.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week 5

Looks like Izzie is a not a fan of rainy days like her mom!
Weekly facts:
Weight: 7lbs 14oz as of Thursday
Height: Thinking closer to 21"
Cloths Size: Newborn, trying 0-3 but they are really a little big yet
Head Size: Newborn / 0-3
Life: It's a rainy miserable day, the house is nice and warm, hence the short sleeve onsie today.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week 4

Looks like she is trying to tell us she is 4 weeks already!  Time is flying by, only 2 more weeks and Mom is going back to work (part-time).
Lets try something different, we will do weekly facts:
Weight: 7lbs 10.7 oz as of Thursday, finally back to birth weight
Height: Thinking closer to 21"
Cloths Size: Newborn
Head Size: Almost out of newborn hats, they hardly cover the ears but we loose our eyes in the 0-3
Life: It is beyond cold right now outside (single digits), so we snuggle or hang out in the nursery that is somehow the warmest room in the house that we refer to as her tropical island some days.